Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How To make Money Blogging - 5 Steps In The Right Direction

New technologies continue to emerge online with new opportunities to make money online. But some of the latest technologies will be here today and gone tomorrow. The strongest and still most profitable way to make money online is through blogging. Blogging has not gone anywhere. It is still around and will be for a long time. People are not looking for information online as much as they are looking for answers. The difference is what makes blogging even more popular and effective in the year 2009. Let me share with you five proven, solid steps towards how to make money blogging.

Blog About What You Already Know.

It takes no special ability to repeat fact and information but people searching online are also looking for an experienced voice that they can trust. In fact they want to trust someone online. In time like minded people will find you online. Think about it yourself when you look for information online you look for someone with first hand experience that somehow made the information personable. You soon trust them and listen to them. This concept applies to your blog writing as well. The subscribers will soon be signing-up and looking forward to your posts.

Choose a Niche And Stick With It.

You can earn lots of money online through blogging but if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time. While experience is important it is important to focus that experience. Keep your blog focused on a specific niche. If you know half a dozen different niches well then you need to make six blogs. Keep your blog focused and on track. You are looking for loyal readers. Loyal readers will bring you home the money over any random visitor. Always write a post about what your current readers have in mind.

Mingle With Other Blogs In Your Niche.

When you focus your niche you will soon learn that you are not the only blog with that same niche. That's ok, do not be afraid of competition. Rather see them as part of your reading community. Here's the truth. Blogs in a similar niche all have the same information. But you all have different experience and different results with that information. They have things to learn from your blog and vice versa. The most proven way to interact with them is to comment on their blog posts. Try to comment once or twice a day on different blogs in your niche. It is also a simple and free way to promote yourself and grow easy backlinks.

Remove Blog Junk.

If you want an effective blog you need to clean it up. If something exists that is not helpful on your blog get rid of it. The more clutter only equals longer load time and shorter visits. Do not have anything appear on your blog that strays from your niche and is not helpful to the reader. This includes too many ads. You will make more money with fewer ads than with too many. Bloggers knows who is being helpful and who is trying to make a dollar off of them. On my blog I only display 4 ads and they are for products that I use on a weekly basis. They are very much a part of my blogging routine.

Love What Google Loves.

Never title a blog post without considering first if people are even looking for what you are writing about. It is important to use the Google keyword tool to help find your title. SEO, search engine optimization, is very important to finding organic traffic from Google. Organic traffic simply means someone typed in a phrase and found your article using Google. This is the best traffic! Learn what people are typing into the search bar before you publish a blog post. Make sure people are looking for that phrase. How to make money blogging happens best when you research and plan out your blog posts and especially when you have Google in mind. Almost 80% of all search traffic flows through Google. Learn to love what Google loves.

Everyone is curious about how to make money blogging but they forget essential steps along the way. The most important step is to blog. I encourage you to blog daily and keep your blog posts focused. It is easy to promote a blog with the latest technologies but those are only short term and one month from now only fades away. Use the above five steps that are proven advice. Your blog will be lead to the right readers and you will begin making money. I am excited to hear about your success.

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